Can You Take First Aid Courses Online?

Australian first aid courses must take place within a realistic, real-life setting. First aid courses online are also not accredited, and therefore can’t be used for certification or employment purposes. Students must attend their scheduled sessions within a simulated work environment (in a classroom) because they will be required to perform practical demonstrations on the floor. CPD first aid courses are run regularly throughout the year and operate during regular working hours (Monday – Friday, from 9 am until 5 pm). Individual courses involve a mix of classroom delivery, practical components, and group discussions. Each course is specifically delivered with theory and practical elements in mind, with assessment including a written test and practical demonstrations. 

The First aid courses we provide are delivered in a fun and flexible way, by leading experienced industry trainers, allowing you to learn skills to not only save lives, but confidently prevent the injury of others. We even provide a 2-day first aid course to give our students enough time to familiarise themselves with the language, equipment, and concepts that are important to the comprehension of training. 

We provide first aid training for nurses, workers, and individuals within a range of situations, including community and workplace settings. Upon successful completion of one of our first aid courses, you will be provided with a nationally recognised statement of attainment.

What are the Benefits of Doing a First Aid Course? 

Life can be unpredictable at times, which is why it’s important to be fully prepared whenever complications arise. Our first aid courses allow you to truly step out of your comfort zone, learn new skills and provide you with the ability to face challenging situations head-on. After completing one of our first aid courses, you will be instilled with newfound confidence to deal with challenging medical complications involving others. 

Completing one of the first aid courses we offer allows you to gain life-saving skills to prevent injury and harm occurring within the workplace and also in your everyday life. You can sleep soundly at night knowing that you are armed with the right tools to prevent those you work with, loved ones, and everyday people from injury. 

Whether you’re looking to refresh your existing skills or remain current within your industry, we offer flexible and practical delivery of first aid and CPR training within realistically assessed scenarios.

Many people often find that completing one of our first aid courses can be a really fun experience, as the process also allows them to meet new people and truly challenge themselves. In addition, the first aid courses we provide come with the added bonus of being tax deductible. 

How Much is an Online First Aid Course at CPD?

The first aid courses that CPD offer vary in price from between $70 – $185 per course. We also conveniently provide different payment plans, meaning that you have the convenience to choose to pay upfront or study now and pay later.

Our ‘Provide First Aid’ and ‘Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR’ training courses are designed specifically for students who have limited or no prior first aid training experience, and or no experience in CPR activities. 

Typically, our ‘Provide First Aid’ course is delivered over 14 hours (2 consecutive days, for 7 hours per day). Prior to the class, students are also required to allocate approximately 4 hours in time to undertake pre-course reading and learning activities. This course costs $185 in total to complete. Students then have the option of progressing to a more advanced course, such as: ‘Provide Advanced First Aid’.

In comparison, our ‘Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR’ course is completed in just one day, over 4 hours, and requires students to allocate approximately 3 hours of pre-course reading and learning activities. This course only costs $70 to complete and is delivered in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Guidelines. 

In addition, students can then decide to complete one of our more advanced first aid courses, such as ‘Provide Basic Emergency Life Support.’

Upon successful completion of any of our courses, students will receive a Nationally Recognised Statement of Attainment. 

Students can also choose to complete a refresher first aid course of the above units at any point in time, which are conveniently taught over a more condensed duration.

Are First Aid Courses Tax Deductible?

Yes. According to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), you can claim a deduction to the overall cost of first aid training courses, if you are a designated first aid person, who specifically needs to complete a first aid training course to assist those within emergency work situations. 

How Long is the First Aid Course Valid for?

Although first aid courses do not have a specific expiration date throughout Australia, Safe Work Australia recommends that you refresh your existing first aid certificate every three years. In particular, the renewal period standard recommended by Safe Work Australia for CPR practitioners to maintain currency is one year specifically. 

If you are a student wishing to undertake a ‘refresher course’(specifically for CPR), you must be able to provide evidence that you have completed accredited training in ‘Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR’, within the last two years. Therefore it’s crucial that you keep your skills regularly up to date.

How Often Should You do a First Aid Course?

As per the recommended Safe Work Australia standard, we suggest you refresh your knowledge of your ‘Provide First Aid’ course at least once every three years, and your ‘Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPA’ course every year. 

Completing a first aid refresher course regularly will not only help you to stay current with any workplace compliance updates required within your industry but will also allow you to maintain a high level of confidence in your ability to prevent injury within community settings. 

As students will be already familiar with the language and equipment involved, refresher courses can typically be completed over a shorter duration of time.


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